All posts by Tarasiuk.

Software development agreement: what to consider?

Which type of contract should you use for the software development deal? We will talk about three typical types of contract with software developers: Agile contract with time/material principle, when you pay for the developed…

Non-compete agreement. A checklist to read before you sign it

It is hard sometimes to restrain an ironic smile when you see non-compete provisions in your new software development agreement, isn`t it? Though typical NCA often smell like roses and seem to be harmless, there…

Publishing contract features

Check list for your contract with publisher:   The game itself. Some publishers practice general contracts with addendums, where the characteristics of the specific game are stated. Be sure, that your game meets the requirements.…

Why customized GDPR approach matters?

Does your company need with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance?We can help you with that. Based on our practice, we provide comprehensive legal service to comply with the GDPR. GDPR legal advice for your…

Legal side of GameDev. Core points

Ukraine has a large number of studios whose profile is game development. The industry has no longer been represented only by groups of enthusiasts, who love games. Now each video game is not just an…