Contract preparation Over the years of practicing IT law, we’ve prepared a bunch of various contracts, and each of them is unique – processing inside IT companies, albeit similar, is special We will be happy…
Archives: Projects
Agreements and public offers What is important in E-commerce? It is important to have legitimate basis for online invoicing as well as to be fully protected with the public offer (public agreement) after the funds…
Contract development What are digital marketing specialists paid for? Are they paid for the results or for the hours spent? Can a SEO specialist ensure proper results of optimization, or can a Head of marketing…
Advice If a startup enters a new market, it is worth consulting with lawyers. We are ready to provide you with a solid legal advice as to: suitable jurisdiction for the company and relationship between…
Contract preparation Who owns the rights to a light elf drawn by the 2d designer? May the developer add some code of your game to his or her portfolio? And what should you do if…
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