
90 000 tutors

220 000 students
have found a tutor

115 000 reviews
from the real students

Buki is a platform where everyone can find a tutor in accordance with one’s requests and tutors may find new clients.

It provides a possibility for students and teachers to find each other quickly.

In a few minutes you can find a tutor in your city,
fill out the contact form and agree on the start of the studying.

Buki are the real gurus in EdTech..
Our team was happy to help with legal consulting, preparation of Terms of Use, Privacy documents.

Tarasiuk Anton
Managing partner at Legal IT Group




Buki is a platform where everyone can find a tutor in accordance with one’s requests and tutors may find
new clients.

It provides a possibility for students and teachers to find each other quickly.

In a few minutes you can find a tutor in your city, fill out the contact form and agree on the start of the studying.


90 000 tutors

035-magnifying glass

220 000 students
have found a tutor


115 000 reviews
from the real students

Buki are the real gurus in EdTech.
Our team was happy to help with legal consulting, preparation of Terms of Use, Privacy documents.

Tarasiuk Anton
Managing partner at Legal IT Group