We welcome you to the free privacy webinar on the 30th of November, 12:00 GMT+2.
We will talk about trends and cases in automated profiling and decision making in frames of GDPR.

For attending this webinar, you may receive 1 CPE from IAPP

(relevant for CIPP/US, CIPP/E, CIPP/A, CIPM, CIPT, CIPP/C).


Duration – up to 40 minutes.
Format – online.

We will talk about the following:

a short explanation of the concepts (automated decision making, consent, right not to be subject to ADM, profiling, opt-out mechanisms etc.) under the GDPR;

privacy program rollout and management before and after the ADM is introduced; documentation, DPIA, risks;

case study (fine history, latest news and press releases); and basic recommendations for the target audience (tech companies).

industry organisations' views on the necessary or recommended compliance schemes or steps, too.


Anton Tarasiuk

Managing partner at Legal IT Group

Kateryna Dubas

Head of privacy practice at Legal IT Group

We welcome privacy professionals and managers, marketers and founders